Let Us Be Thankful

Hi, this is John Nemmer again. I would like to talk with you about being thankful. Now at Thanksgiving time, we remember everything God has given us and we give Him thanks for it all. He has done so many wonderful things for us. He made this beautiful, big world we live in. He made trees grow from the ground to give us oxygen and food. He has given us houses to live in. He gave us lovely families. He has even given His one and only Son.
God has done so many great things for us but sometimes we don’t act thankful at all. We only see the problems we have in our lives, and ask, “Why me? Why is this happening to me?” That isn’t how we should live because even though we will get hardships in our lives we just have to trust God will help us through those dark, confusing times. He’ll always send us help, whenever help is needed. It’s important to always give God thanks with a grateful heart.
In my life, I am really thankful for everything I have and can do. I always count my blessings from God. He has done so much for me. He gave me a family, that loves me. He gave me control over my legs, so I can use my Dynavox to speak. He has given me the grace to deal with my disability. He also gave me grace to allow me to see the joy which is truly present in my life.
So, this Thanksgiving let us thank God for giving us all so very much. May the love of our Lord, Jesus Christ, the help of the Holy Spirit, and the glory of God the Father be with you all! Amen! Happy Thanksgiving!
John Nemmer

John is an 18 year old parishioner at St. Greg's and is finding a real talent for writing. You can find John faithfully at Mass every week with his loving family. Feel free to say "hi" when you see him!