Christmas Is Coming!

Hi! This is John Nemmer again. I would like to talk with you about Christmas. Now at Christmas time, we remember how God so loved the world that He sent His one and only son to save us from our sins. Jesus was born in Bethlehem of the Virgin Mary. Although He is the All-Powerful God, He first came to us as a little baby in a manger. He humbled Himself by giving up all of His heavenly glory and made Himself poor so we could become rich.
This Christmas probably will be really different because of the quarantine. We might be disappointed that we are not able to be with our families. However, we have to remember what Christmas is truly about, which is Jesus. Sometimes we usually forget that over all of the decorating, shopping, and planning we do this time of year. We have the perfect opportunity to focus only on Jesus to remember Him, as the most wonderful gift to us, who came from the Father so we might have everlasting life.
The first Christmas was very humble. Jesus could have decided to be born in a great castle and have all the world come to worship Him. Instead, He willingly came to us as a vulnerable baby. He was laid in a manger and was poor. He had only His parents and the shepherds adoring Him.
I think He set an example for us of how we should celebrate His birth. We always should have a humble Christmas every year so we can pay our attention to Jesus and not earthly things. If we do that, He will be so pleased with us. Let’s ask The Holy Spirit to help us keep Christ in Christmas every year!
May the love of our Lord Jesus Christ, the help of the Holy Spirit, and the glory of God the Father be always with you all!
Merry Christmas!
John Nemmer

John is a regular writer for SGYM3 and shares insights and prayer language from the heart. He is a parishioner at St. Greg's and you can find John faithfully at Mass every week with his loving family. Feel free to say "hi" when you see him!