Back to the Eucharist

Hi! This is John Nemmer. I would like to share some thoughts with you again. We just had a few troubling months because of the Corona Virus. We hadn’t been able to physically go to Mass and receive Jesus in the Eucharist for the safety of everyone’s health. However, by the grace of God, the cases of the Corona Virus are down enough that we can worship Him inside of churches again.
We should be really thankful we are able to go back and received our Eucharistic Lord. He is the greatest gift who came from the Father so we could have everlasting life. God never changes. First He came to us as a newborn in a manger. Now He comes to remain with us in the form of bread. He made this possible so we can be in communion with Him here on Earth. This is one of the most beautiful mysteries of our Catholic faith. We can’t possibly fully understand it in this life, but we know because of faith that it is true.
Let’s ask The Holy Spirit to allow us to be always aware of Jesus’ true present in The Holy Eucharist, so we can be lead closer to His love and mercy every time we go to Mass and receive Him. May the peace and joy of our Lord Jesus Christ, the help of the Holy Spirit, and the glory of God the Father be always with you all!
John Nemmer

John is a regular writer for SGYM3 and shares insights and prayer language from the heart. He is a parishioner at St. Greg's and you can find John faithfully at Mass every week with his loving family. Feel free to say "hi" when you see him!