The Covid
Come Back
Our Plan For Coming Back to Live Community and Mission
The goals for SGYM3 in coming back into live person events
Make sure that the community is clean, healthy, and safe
Respond to changes on the ground quickly in the case of flareup
Rebuild a sense of worship, community, and relationship
St. Greg’s Youth & Young Adult Action Plan for Returning to Live Events
As of 7/20/2020
Based on NYS “Child Care and Day Camps” and “Sports and Recreation Guidelines” - https://forward.ny.gov/statewide-guidelines
Sign Ups
All youth must sign up on Sign Up Genius, walk ins are permitted but it is strongly encouraged that you sign up. Once we hit our maximum capacity we will not be allowed to let anymore students in. Students without parents will be turned away.
Maximum outdoor gathering is 50 people including staff and 

Maximum indoor gathering is 50% occupancy or no more than 50 

Arrival Procedure
Instruct staff and volunteers to stay home if they are sick and remind parents/guardians to keep sick youth home. 

Face coverings are required without exception. 

Youth will be directed to check-in station run by volunteers 

Youth must be checked in with parent or legal guardian, will be turned away if not. 

Parents and Volunteers will sign waiver list each event, a copy will be sent to the front office for record keeping 

Participants must have temperature taken 

Parents will answer four questions: 

â–ª COVID-19 symptoms in past 14 days?
▪ Positive COVID-19 test in past 14 days? 

▪ Close contact with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case 
in past 14 days?

â–ª Have you traveled to any of the areas on the current NYS do not travel list?
Responses must be reviewed and such review must be documented. 

In the event that a parent/guardian of a child/camper must be 
isolated because they have tested positive for, or exhibited symptoms of, COVID-19, the parent/ guardian must be advised that they cannot enter the site for any reason, including picking up their child.
â–ª If the parent/guardian – who is the a member of the same household as the child/camper – is exhibiting signs of COVID-19 or has been tested and is positive for the virus, utilize an emergency contact authorized by the parent to come pick up the child. As a “close contact,” the child/camper must not return to the child care or day camp for the duration of the quarantine.
â–ª If the parent/guardian– who is the a member of the same household as the youth is being quarantined as a precautionary measure, without symptoms or a positive test, will not be allowed to come to the event until a proper quarantined time of 14 days has been completed.

â–ª If a youth or their household member becomes symptomatic for COVID-19 and/or tests positive, the youth must quarantine and may not return or attend event/program until after quarantine is complete.
Immediately notify the state and local health department about any positive test result by an employee or child/camper at their site.
Please notify the parish nurse. 

Instructions on guidelines will be given at the start of each event 

Sanitation and hygiene
Adhere to hygiene, cleaning, and disinfection requirements from the 
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Department of Health (DOH) and maintain logs on site that document date, time, and scope of cleaning and disinfection. 

Provide and maintain hand hygiene stations: hand washing with soap, running warm water, and disposable paper towels; alcohol-based hand sanitizer containing 60% or more alcohol for areas where hand washing is not available/practical. 

Make hand sanitizer available throughout common areas on site. 

Employees/staff and children/campers must perform hand hygiene 
immediately upon entering the program. 

Require staff, volunteers, and children to practice hygiene in the 
following instances:
▪ Upon arrival to the first program activity 

▪ Between all program activities 

▪ After using the restroom; Before eating and after eating. 

▪ Before departing the last program activity. 

Provide appropriate cleaning/disinfection supplies for shared and frequently touched surfaces (e.g. door handles, multi-seat strollers, toys, art supplies, areas where children eat), and encourage employees to use these supplies before/after use of these surfaces, followed by hand hygiene. 

Regularly clean and disinfect equipment and toys using the Department of Environmental Conservation’s (DEC) list of products identified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as effective against COVID-19. 

Limit youth from using equipment that can’t be cleaned/sanitized

Affirm you have reviewed and understand the state issued industry
guidelines, and that you will implement them.
Train all employees/staff on applicable precautions/ policies in the State’s guidance either remotely or in-person, using appropriate social distancing and requiring face coverings for all participants. 

Post signage inside and outside of the facility to remind individuals to adhere to proper hygiene, social distancing rules, appropriate use of PPE, and cleaning and disinfecting protocols. 

Conspicuously post completed summary safety plans on site
Food Service
Serve individual portions to youth. 

Hospitality and meals individually distributed by staff and volunteers
▪ Pizza placed on plates and distributed 

▪ Individual wrapped snacks 

▪ Individual cans or bottles 

Keep stable groups of youth separated, small groups of no more than 10. 

Stagger mealtimes to reduce occupancy/ congregation if necessary. 

Separate tables with seating at least 6 ft. apart from other tables, as 
Games and Activities
Focus on activities with low to moderate risk (ex. kickball, frisbee, soccer, pool noodle and flashlight tag) 

Ensure 6 ft. distance between individuals at all times, whether indoors or outdoors, unless safety or core activity (e.g. practicing, playing) requires a shorter distance. If a shorter distance is required, individuals must wear face coverings, unless players are unable to tolerate such a covering for the physical activity (practicing, playing); provided, however, that coaches, trainers, and/or other individuals who are not directly engaged in activity are required to wear face coverings. ** Found in NYS Sport and Recreation Guidelines 

Enhance cleaning and disinfection protocols over equipment. 

Refer to CDC guidelines.

Dismissal Procedure
Youth are to dismiss at the end of the event, no lingering or after gathering 

Sanitize before leaving 

Encouraged to maintain distancing until ride arrives